UX: Designing a website prototype | Czechitas

Redesign of the Atmoskop Response Form for Gold-Collar Workers

Atmoskop assists users with their job searches. It contains an assessment of the company as seen through the eyes of the employees, as well as information about the type of team that awaits you in the company, how the bosses behave, and what the company is like as an employer.

Sept – Nov 2022
My role
UX Designer
Research, identifying problems, ideation, prototyping, and usability testing.


I led the research, identifying problems, ideation, prototyping, and usability testing. Throughout the project, I worked with three other UX Designers. My involvement in the design of the low and high-fidelity prototypes was significant.

The Problem

Although Atmoskop was only an evaluation platform, people kept telling us during user research that they also needed to apply for a job at the company. We added a position list and created the first version of the response form, but it was unsuitable for demanding golden collars.

The Goal

When applying for a job, we want to suggest a method of contact with the company that will work best for those with golden collars. Additionally, they should be given a chance to talk about their work and themselves.

Understanding the Users

User Research

  • The interview included 6 participants, who held the positions of UX Designer (5 participants) and Head of Design (1 participant). These participants want a change and are looking for similar or identical job positions – product manager, front-end developer; one of them is considering various fields.
  • We wanted to understand how they use the response forms, what their expectations are, and what purpose they serve.

The user research also includes key parts from the transcript of the participant whose responses differed from the other five in the interviews.

Defining the Problem


  • We had to ask ourselves why we were researching, what we were researching, and what we wanted to discover in order to distill problems during the synthesis. At this stage, there is no point in jumping to a solution that will only be one of many.
  • As a result, we asked the following research questions.
  • We distilled this problems (green post-its) by synthesizing related findings (yellow post-its) and naming clusters (blue post-its).

Starting the Design

  • Using dot voting, we selected one issue.
  • We used these methods to generate as many ideas as possible for our chosen problem.
  • We chose the most interesting ideas, Answer Severity Level Options and Quiz Form, from among all the suggestions and decided to combine them at this stage.
  • With the proposal called Response severity level options, users can see all of the tabs, choose the most appropriate form, and get immediate feedback, but decision paralysis can occur.
  • For the Quiz form proposal, the user can send an adequate answer, and a more personalized form will be loaded, but not all options are visible, so he may feel he has missed something.

Paper Wireframes

  • In the team were made individual ideas. I made the first paper wireframes by combining the chosen Answer Severity Level Options and Quiz Form designs. This proposal was divided into several sections, including questions in the form of a quiz, as well as tabs for Direct Contact, Video Consultation, and Form.
  • This design was refined further, and the following changes were made in consultation with the team before high-fidelity designs began:
  • The proposal was changed to make it clearer, less confusing, and with fewer steps overall.
  • The quiz-style first part of the proposal was removed because the process was quite simple after that.

Refining the Design

  • These ideas were then turned into high-fidelity designs. I experimented with different shapes and layouts. The Atmoskop style was used for the colors and fonts.


  • This is the visual design of Atmoskop's redesigned response form.

Usability Testing

  • We used Figma to conduct a user test with one participant. There was no time to test with more participants because it was within the course. Our main hypotheses before testing included the following:
  • The user will not know how to express interest in the position because there are many ways to respond to a position.
  • The function of the contact persons buttons Write a message to our UX team, Select a video consultation date, and Fill out the form will be unclear.

Suggestions for Changes Based on User Feedback

  • Because there was only one participant in this user testing, no conclusions can be drawn. At least four more participants will be required for testing. These are suggestions for potential changes:
  • Write directly to the report to confirm that someone will call and for how long.
  • Replace the Message with something else, such as a chatbot for additional questions.
  • Leave only Video consultation and Messages options.
  • Replace the heading Your UX with A place for your self-presentation, for example.
  • Reduce the length of additional text in explanations.

Going Forward


  • With this project, job applicants would have the option to submit their application with the necessary information as well as the communication method that best suits them. Thus, the applicant has the option of selecting a format for outlining himself/herself, his/her job, his/her circumstances, and other related information.
"The best option for me is a Video Consultation, and I think it's a great idea because I hate filling out response forms that have so many fields and pointless questions. Thanks to Video Consultation, I can also leave a better impression on the company."

What I Learned

  • How crucial research is. Additionally, when conversing with participants, one must be able to read between the lines.
  • The path to a solution in the UX design process is rarely straightforward. Due to the unpleasant duration of the research phase and the information overload that results from it, it is crucial to delay starting on a solution.
  • How crucial it is for a team to communicate and collaborate.

Next Steps

  • We will to conduct another user testing with at least four more participants to test our hypotheses. Furthermore, if the identified problem areas based on one of our participants' feedback are also for other users. And if other problem areas will discover with a larger number of participants.